With the subscription to ArtBank Old Master it is possible to have immediate access online to over 650 Opera Omnia of artists who operated from the X to the XVIII century. The cost of a subscription for one year is of 480 Euros, V.A.T. included.
Click here to verify the list of artists for which the Opera Omnia is already available. This list is under constant enlargement. These Opera Omnia have been collected in different times, therefore they do not necessarily include all latest updating. In order to receive the said updating it is necessary to apply for it to the Administrator of the Data Bank using the form of order provided, that you can find in the artist’s record card.
The above-mentioned quotations have different prices due to the requested conditions, at the special price for members of Euros 67 with V.A.T. included.
All advantages that you can get with the subscription to ArtBank Old Master:
- The possibility to consult online at any time the whole corpus of works of over 650 artists.
- The possibility to consult over 50.000 record cards of artists with an exhaustive bibliography, artist by artist.
- The possibility to obtain, artist by artist, the information about the works put up for auction, also with the quotations of estimate and attribution.
- The possibility to purchase the updated Opera Omnia of the required artist with a discount of 30%, i.e. 67 Euros.