Banca dati dell'arte
Painting, drawing and engraving from the X to the XVIII century
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Data bank of art with opere omnia of artist from X to XVIII century All art works of artist from X al XVIII century The great shows online Auctions and quotations of art works - expertise Subscription to great data bank in the word of art
Founded by Girolamo Bulgarini D'Elci Research artist in data bank of art:
Pittura, Disegno ed incisione di artisti dal X al XVIII century
Sacra Famiglia e S. Giovannino.<br>Domenico Piola () 37x31cm-olio,tela-coll.priv.  
Sacra Famiglia e S. Giovannino.
Domenico Piola () 37x31cm-olio,tela-coll.priv.
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With the subscription to ArtBank Old Master it is possible to have immediate access online to over 650 Opera Omnia of artists who operated from the X to the XVIII century in the field of painting, drawing and engraving.

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Old Master